Cupcake gift card holders from Fabulous Artsy! I love them! They didn't turn out too bad - will need more practice. I made this one for my niece that lives out of town.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sick . . . of being sick!
So at home this week - both girls are sick - Ella with a eye, ear and throat infection. And Olivia with a cold and cough. So then I got sick with sore throat. It seems like it is never ending! So I am not feeling too bad today, so since I am not up to much - thought I would show you what I have been up to the past month.
Cupcake gift card holders from Fabulous Artsy! I love them! They didn't turn out too bad - will need more practice. I made this one for my niece that lives out of town.

Cupcake gift card holders from Fabulous Artsy! I love them! They didn't turn out too bad - will need more practice. I made this one for my niece that lives out of town.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
New life to a lame blog!
So I decided my blog was really lame and who would want to follow it? So I went online and found me a free design. Love it - anything beats what I had. Anyway since I have a new blog design I thought I better have a new post. Me and girls made marshmellow pops - I have seen them on numerous blogs and wanted to try them. I thought I better try them before Halloween to make sure we can get it down pat! It was quick, easy and fun to make! But don't ask for a tutorial - that is where I draw the line for now! Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
What the?!?!?
I can't believe how much time has gone by since my last blog!!! You know how life happens and then my computer was down for a little while. And then we were all sick with the flu and colds, but I think that is all behind us now and we can get settled in to hibernate for the winter. August and September were busy for us - a wedding where Olivia had a blast (her 1st). Her and Ella danced the night away! We also had my uncle's 50th and then we made some time and went to Calgary to Calaway park. And since September was so nice here made a trip to the zoo - a first for everyone. I have been busy crafting and lately have been getting small projects done in order to get instant gratification. I will post more later. One thing at a time!
Monday, June 8, 2009
I'm on a roll!
Part 2
This is the title page - I chose this title because it was my mom's birthday and mother's day.
Finally a new post, with a project!
Made from a chipboard album I got at Michael's for $1.50! I'm so pumped - just enough for one for each family member! Added a few buttons and other embellies and you have a Mother's day gift! 
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A Busy Life
Now that I am back at work I am VERY busy keeping up with everything! Trying to keep this hectic life somewhat sane!
Happy Spring!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New Layouts
Since I have self proclaimed this a scrapbook blog, it would probably help if I would post layouts. My sister took these family photos of us in the fall - she is not a professional and I am not really sure why she doesn't start this as a business, but that is for another day. We are all huge Johnny Cash fans and this is our ode to him, as we are all wearing Johnny Cash t-shirts. Even Olivia is wearing a Johnny Cash onesie! I trying to finish scrapbooking the many pictures she took of us.
We had tried doing our family pictures earlier at a little church just out of town, but we had a "tombstone incident", so we did them at an old church on Ave E North.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Holy Blog Batman
So excited! I actually have a follower! Does this mean I have to blog more? I will try really hard to make this blog worth following, I promise!! For now here are pictures of my little gals.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
All In A Day's Work
So I was cleaning my house and a light bulb went off - since we don't have our 4th level complete which will hopefully one day soon will be a playroom - I decided since we spend most of our day upstairs in the kitchen and living room that I would paint the back of my cupboards with magnetic and chalkboard paint. It was really easy and only took me a day. Hopefully one day soon we will also be getting rid of these cupboards as well (since they are only 30 years old)! This is the before picture:

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Project 365
Here is my version of the project that is taking the scrapbook world by storm! I scraplifted a digital version of it from 2 peas. Once I got a template down and organized - it is easy, I just add my pictures every week! I plan on giving it to my husband for Xmas.

Monday, February 23, 2009
Keep blogging!!
So I started this blog to show my scrapbooking and arts and craft creations and so far out of the few posts, I have done none. I guess I will make this my belated new year's resolution to post more often and my creations. I always look forward to other blogs in order to get inspiration!
Take care,
Take care,